Update 1.1 (Post game Jam)

Post Game Jam Update

A small update of the game. Solving most commun criticisim. And some QoL changes.

The game jam version will allways be up, for historic pourpuses.

Hotfix Adjustments

In the spirit to leave the game as close of the Game Jam version as possible but making it a playeable and pleasent experience this changes will be applyed to the Game Jam version:

--> Added a Skip to the daily check up of every day.

--> Added a Skip to the intro of the game.

--> Fixed a bug witch wouldn't apply negotiacions.

--> Fixed bug witch made Islands appear every day after 15 days were remaning on the voyage.

--> Buffed the Mucisian, he now doesn't increase the crews morale when over 70%.

--> Buffed the Mucisian, he now increases morale on morning up to 3%  (0%-2% -->0%-3%).

--> Higher dificultys now have more effects.

--> Nerfed condition to die by too mutch morale; the window is now 10 % bigger in all dificulties.

--> Bar dialog only triggers first time you enter.

--> The ship in the save file now appears using the games color palett.

What will be New?

What the game will recive on the next update:

--> A proper Game Tutorial.

--> More songs on morning awake will now play instead of only the usual melody.

--> Adjustment on all audio timing.

--> An UI that showcases the players stats at all time.

--> Game now can be played on browser!

--> All game images glow up.

--> 2º and 3º ending now both require more score to get.

(350 --> 1000)

--> Loading screen now is writen on the games font.

Also, both the browser version and the downloadeable version have the same features.

What will be Next?

The full version of the game WILL COST MONEY. However the downloadeable and browser version will allways be accesible for free.

The full version of the game will include:

+Pets (Cat and monkey for now)

+Nightmares (Clasic RPG Turn based on special days after going to sleep)

+Better audio cuality on the sound effects

+Final Island playeable intead of just a score secuence

+New Captains

+Skeleton Ship Fight

+Better and more Art for the game

+More events

+More specialist for the ship

+Run Modificators

+Arcade Mode (Infinite days)

+Challenges (Smaller jurneys to get more Modificators)

+More cheats for compleating achivements

+Dificulty from 7 to 9

+More effects than simple stat changes for decitions

Final Thoghts

Participating on the Game Jam will be one of my most interesting experiences ever. I comited the mistake of triying this for the first time while on end of semeter exams. The process was stressfull and rushed. Yet I wouln't have turned this opportunity down even after the aftermath. I manage to actually finish my first game ever. Witch to enyone who has actually done it knows is harder sayed than done.

I bit off more than what I could chew, and that left me with a game I didn't even want to play test for the first time ever. This has been a painfull rite, but one that had to be done. Now I only have hopes for betterment, and a place to start off. Even though the game is but a porcion of what I envisioned, I'm still happy of what came out of the kitchen. I can proudly say this "I actually did a game", and not the usual "Yeah, I'm like working on this game".

I am in hopes of making money with a better, upgraded, full version of the game. But there must be time to wait for that.

For now i'm going to take arround a month before I come back to game development. I'm a bit burned out from these 10 days, and now I have Final and Recovery exams to worry about. So im not exacly going to rest at the moment.

I want to thank the Itchy.io comunity, and the Pixel Game Jam participants and hosts. I have heard nothing but kind words. You make climbing a mountain worth it.

Thank you for reading <3


NeptunoGamejam.zip Play in browser
75 days ago
Neptuno-2-0.rar 108 MB
75 days ago
neptunofixed.rar 70 MB
89 days ago


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